How to Get Guests to RSVP

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Aug 14, 2023
How to Get Guests to RSVP

If you’re planning an event that requires your guests to respond before the event day, you have quite a lot of work cut out for you. Inviting guests to an event is easy, but confirming their attendance can be challenging.

Getting guests to RSVP to your wedding or party or any other type of event can be a little hard, but there are some things you can do. Here are some tips to encourage your guests to respond:

Make it Easy

Provide guests with a clear and easy-to-use RSVP method. Whether they have to text you or the event planner or fill up an online form, make sure it is easy to understand and easy to access. You may even want to have a different kind of RSVP, depending on the age group. For example, your lolos and lolas, ninongs and ninangs who aren’t tech savvy might not be able to handle an online form, so simply texting or telling you might be okay.

Be Specific

Rather than sending your guests a vague message to let you know if they’re coming, get down to the details. Clearly state the RSVP deadline and the information you need from the guests, like their names, the number of attendees (if you reserved more than one seat for them), and dietary restrictions.

Be Timely

Send out your invitations with plenty of time for your guests to respond, so they can check their calendars and clear their schedules. Make sure you do not stop at one call for responses but send up follow-ups and reminders, such as a month, a week, and a day before the event. Be sure to include helpful tips like where to park and what they should bring (if any).

Offer Incentives

While this may not always work for weddings, if you have other events, you can offer an incentive to your guests who respond early, such as a raffle or prize drawing or a special gift.

Follow Up with Your Guests

After the deadline has passed, follow up with guests who haven’t responded yet. Send a friendly reminder via text or follow up with a phone call. Emphasize how important it is for you to have an accurate headcount for the event.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Sometimes, people will only respond when they know something is limited. When you invite people to your event, mention to them that the space is limited or the guest list is filling up quickly.

Make It Personal, If Possible

Personalize your invitation and RSVP process with a handwritten note, a video message, or a special message encouraging your guests to respond. Make them feel special, so they can be excited to respond and attend your event.

How to Get Guests to Respond for Big Events

Getting guests to RSVP for a big event can be even more challenging. How do you keep track of everyone you’ve invited? How do you note who has responded yes, who has responded no, and who hasn’t answered yet?

Instead of keeping a manual count on a notebook or a mental count on all those little details, why not use a Google spreadsheet or an online RSVP tool to get the job done? You'll be able to track your guests better especially as your event draws near. If any of your guests have dietary requirements or restrictions, you can also make notes to give to your caterer and event organizer. You can also putdown contact details and other things you need to take note of.