3 Great Changes in Events Because of the Pandemic

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Mar 27, 2023
3 Great Changes in Events Because of the Pandemic

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began approximately three years ago, events have gone through a major upheaval. Event planners have been forced to think of creative ways to do events even while following the rules set by the government.

Despite all the ups and downs, events have changed, and some changes have made things better for events and event planners. In this post, we’ll look at three specific changes during the pandemic and how they will affect events moving forward.

1. Virtual and Hybrid Event Options

Pre-pandemic, most events were face-to-face in a venue you had to rent out. If you missed the event, you missed out on the fun.

The pandemic, however, changed that. These days, several events offer a virtual option (meaning you can tune in from wherever you are in the world via Zoom or any other online platform). You can hop onto seminars, events, and workshops you couldn’t attend before because you had to fly somewhere to participate in them.

Even while more face-to-face events are popping up, some events offer a hybrid option, where you can choose to attend face-to-face or online. With hybrid events, you have on-site and virtual attendees. This setup allows more attendees and a wider reach. If you are planning for a wedding, it lets more family and friends attend no matter where they are.

2. Digital Transactions

Before, the challenge with events and various event transactions was that you often had to do everything on-site. Vendors would require you to pay at their office or shop. You often had to go to the bank to give a check down payment to secure a venue. Some events even required you to buy tickets at a specific place!

Because of the pandemic, with shops, malls, and banks temporarily shutting doors or limiting physical transactions, vendors, venues, and the like had to learn how to do things online. Most—if not all—had to switch to online transactions, making it easier and more efficient for you to do business for your event. These days, it’s so much easier to transact for your business. There are so many platforms available for your digital transactions.

3. More Businesses and Suppliers to Choose From

If anything, the pandemic provided a pause for people to look deep within themselves and decide what they really want for their lives. During the entire time while working at home, many people discovered their passion and calling in life. People found the time to focus on some hobbies or the things that gave them joy which they turned into businesses.

These days, if you do a quick internet search, you’ll find so many options for your party or event needs. Instead of choosing between limited suppliers or items, you now have several options. Check out Eventory's supplier directory for starters!

Planning Events in the New Normal

While things slowly transition into the new normal, we must learn to adjust to many things. For event planners, this means being flexible no matter what. Thankfully, many positive changes have made planning events easier and more efficient.

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